Celebrating 10 years of the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival and its ongoing commitment to building support for the Florida International University School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, which benefits from Festival proceeds, Southern Wine & Spirits of Florida wishes to thank the members of the trade who have joyfully participated in this exciting event for the past decade. This afternoon industry professionals representing local wine and spirits merchants, restaurants, hotels, and nightclubs, are invited to an exclusive showcase of premium beverages from 150 of the world’s most-respected wine, spirits, water, and coffee producers. Southern Wine & Spirits of Florida offers this complimentary afternoon as a special thank you to its loyal customers and to those who have worked tirelessly to make South Florida THE place to be. To attend, please contact your Southern WIne & Spirits of Florida sales representative.
Each year the Festival highlights a different country’s wine and culinary contributions. For it’s 10th anniversary, the Festival is dedicating a pavilion to the “Experience Italy” tent which will showcase some of Italy’s finest wines as well as a wide range of specialty food products.
Friday, Feb 25, 2011
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Guests of Southern Wine and Spirits South Florida Only
Grand Tasting Village: 13th Street & Ocean Drive, Miami Beach