Thank you for your interest in Premier Guide Miami.
If you have an event you would like to be featured, please forward to
Daedrian McNaughton.
I am always open to receiving samples and reviewing them for potential coverage or inclusion on the site. If you have a product or service that you believe aligns with the PGM or if you would like me to consider featuring your brand, please feel free to provide samples through my website.
It’s important to note that while I strive to provide fair and unbiased reviews, I maintain the right to form my own opinion based on my assessment of the sample and its relevance to my audience. Additionally, I adhere to journalistic ethics and will disclose any relationships or partnerships that may exist between myself or my publication and the company or products being reviewed.
Please include relevant information such as product specifications, pricing, and contact details. I appreciate your interest and look forward to reviewing your submission.
Please send samples to:
Premier Guide Miami, Inc.
1080 Brickell Ave, Ste 1406
Miami, Fl 33131
Thank you.