Puppet performance followed by art activities and scavenger hunt through exhibition. Celebrate the exhibition the Jaguar’s Spots: Ancient Mesoamerican Art from the Lowe Art Museum University of Miami with a performance of the classic Cinderella story retold with south of the border flavor.
Sunday, September 26, 1:00 p.m., UM Lowe Art Museum (1301 Stanford Drive, CG)
COST: Lowe members:
Lowe members: $5 per child; adults are free
Non- members: $10 per child; $5 per adults
(kids under 3 are free)
Admission price can be applied towards a new membership.
For more information:
305-284-3535 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 305-284-3535 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Museum Hours:
Tues. – Sat. 10 am- 4 pm
Sunday 12 pm- 4 pm