One of the things that motivated me about coming on board this season was the fact that Biggest Loser is going more lifestyle based and to me that’s huge. I’ve been in the lifestyle business for so long it motivates me to be with a team of individuals who understand that it’s not just about the quick fix but it’s actually about the entire life, changing your life for the better, be better than yesterday. _Dolvett Quince: NBC’s the Biggest Loser Trainer
Dolvett Quince: NBC’s the Biggest Loser Trainer
An IFFA and ISSA certified trainer | Founder of Body Sculptor Inc.
Clients: Janet Jackson, Baltimore Ravens tight end Daniel Wilcox | actor Michael Jai White | world-wide pop sensation Justin Bieber
By: Daedrian McNaughton/Premier Guide Media
“The Biggest Loser” Tuesdays on NBC.
What was your motivation for joining the show?
Dolvett Quince: One of the things that motivated me about coming on board this season was the fact that Biggest Loser is going more lifestyle based and to me that’s huge. I’ve been in the lifestyle business for so long it motivates me to be with a team of individuals who understand that it’s not just about the quick fix but it’s actually about the entire life, changing your life for the better, be better than yesterday. That to me is huge. Different yes, not a lot of time. Well then we do have time. We make time. Somehow we find a way to make it work to spend time to help these people change their lives. I felt like what it asked of me was definitely up my alley. I mean I’ve been experiencing helping people change their lives for well over ten years. Dealing with working and changing obese people’s lives from one extreme to the other, I feel great about that. So when Biggest Loser came to me absolutely I wanted to take advantage of that. I don’t think there is a trainer – anyone in the health and fitness field that wouldn’t want to be in my position helping out people with this extreme on this platform. So for me to be a part of NBC, be a part of the Biggest Loser I’m extremely honored. I’m happy to be here to put my brand out there as well.
How would you describe your training style?
Dolvett Quince: Intense.
Was there added pressure knowing you are joining the show immediately after it was vacated by the popular trainer Jillian Michaels?
Dolvett Quince: I don’t feel any added pressure because I’ve been doing this thing for so long, this thing I call which is personal training. And I’m very confident with being able to assist people in changing their lives. So I didn’t come there with a mindset of trying to be anything different than other than what I am and that’s a trainer. The heart of me, I love what I do and I wanted to translate that to these people especially these obese people that could use my experience. So I walk into it with that confidence. And I also have a confidence of an amazing support team in Todd Lubin and even Gaha with Beverly and all these other people around me not to mention Dr. Huizenga and Cheryl as well. So with that support system you definitely have a great confidence walking in to this situation.
Describe the daily routine and diets you follow?
Dolvett Quince: My workout regimen is crazy. There’s nothing I don’t do. I involve everything from yoga, Pilates, strength training, biometrics in a two hour workout. Sometimes I only workout for an hour but I maximize my time and I’m doing two hours because I have to add in some cardio element in what I do. I love working out. It’s a release for me. I do anywhere between five to six days a week. I think everyone should have a day of rest. I think everyone should indulge and have a cheat day personally. You don’t want to be too extreme on one side that it just doesn’t make sense. You’ve got to have balance in the middle and enjoy life. And that’s what I practice and preach and live by with myself as well as my clients.
How did you approach healthy eating habits in combination with physical activity with these contestants?
Dolvett Quince: I approached it the way I approach all of my clients. We base where they are, their BMI and then make a decision from there where are they – where they can be from an additional standpoint is based on their old habits. We will try to introduce new habits obviously so that’s pretty much how we gear it.
Can you share some of the highlights you had while working on the Biggest Loser?
Dolvett Quince: Some of the highlights just of course watch the transformation of some of the people. The challenges were never easy. It’s so competitive to see the competitive edge of what people would do to ensure that they’re at the front, to watch some of the people bond. My personal experience has been great because I work with such an amazing crew every single day. And I really, really love going to work every day not just because of the crew but also because there’s a great warmth in the house in the ranch this season where people are getting along great. I get along famously with Anna and Bob and the contestants. Everything, the energy is just good. So you know listening anytime you’re in a work environment where you actually love coming to work that’s a good day. I’m very fortunate to be coming into that environment.
How do you deal with the emotions of the Biggest Loser contestants?
Dolvett Quince: Listening. I think if you’re a great listener and you can listen to what a person is saying, pay attention to body language, what are they not saying and couple those two in is a certain skill set. I’m not a psychologist by any means but what I am is I take a lot of pride in just being a good listener and caring enough to want to help someone, not just aesthetically because there’s a million trainers in America alone. Anyone can have the ability to some degree change someone’s body. But if you can have the ability to sit down and have an ear to assist someone through whatever’s going on that day or whatever’s going on in their life in general that got them to that point to find the source. The right psychologist backing you, the right doctors backing you I think I’m just a spark and a tools of setting a fire in a new direction. So it is possibly one of the hardest things to do is to help someone tap into their emotions and face their demons if you will. But once you get it going it’s the best breakthrough ever because that hopefully will lead to a person who will never be obese again.
The contestants on the Biggest Loser are different from your regular clients. How do you make it work?
Dolvett Quince: You do the best job you can do with every time that you’re given. You make it the best. And you’ll see when you watch the show that the time that we’re putting in is extremely beneficial.
Were the cameras a distraction to your work with the contestants?
Dolvett Quince: I definitely enjoy what I’m doing with the contestants. And I’m extremely comfortable with training having had so much experience. I think both Anna and I were chosen because I guess hopefully can say that he saw enough in us to be comfortable when it came to working with cameras, et cetera. The cameras don’t act as a distraction. I’m so tunnel visioned when it comes to working out, the people that are in front of me the cameras are a byproduct. With everything else that comes along with whether you’re doing a Biggest Loser DVD, et cetera, et cetera I do have experience. So I’m an extremely comfortable. And the things I didn’t know I’m an open book and I’m willing to learn.
How do you determine when to increase pressure on each trainee or what their limit is?
Dolvett Quince: It’s just paying attention. It’s paying attention to their fatigue level. It’s paying attention to their mobility while you’re working them out. And I’m just not conned easily. I definitely know people will tend to give up a lot quicker than their body will allow them to. Just you being in the room and being in the moment with people in a way, I can’t describe it is much as you have to just watch the season. You’re going to love it and, we’re really dialed in with assisting everyone. So yes it’s going to be amazing.
What have you learned about yourself through this process?
Dolvett Quince: When you’re helping someone out you’re also learning a lot about yourself at the same time. And when someone is obese and they’re dealing with those issues there’s a lot of emotional attachment to that. It’s not just weight. It’s issues, emotional issues and your background. Personally hearing some of the contestants stories forced me to look at my own story. And I actually had more things in common with some of the contestants this season than I admitted. So as I’m helping them go through this journey, it forces you to look at the person in the mirror and say wait, I’m not that different than you. As a matter of fact like Anna just said I relate to you in more ways than I’ve admitted. I’ve been able to relate to their background stories. And we all go through trials and tribulations. We just deal with our issues differently.