Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care (FCAAC) has been treating allergy and asthma patients throughout South Florida since 1974. FCAAC not only cares about its patients and staff, but strongly believes in giving back to the community. That is why we have taken a leading role in supporting a very special organization, Community Habilitation Center (CHC). From April 29 through May 11, 2013, FCAAC will help raise funds and awareness in all its 18 Centers by selling recycled paper cards specially made by CHC members themselves. This is an exciting project for CHC members as they all suffer from developmental disabilities ranging from Down syndrome, Cerebral palsy to numerous other disabilities. Projects like these give them purpose and encouragement.
CHC, created 40 years ago by a small group of parents of children with developmental disabilities, continues to serve many of its original members. The organization assists more than 150 adults with disabilities from Miami-Dade County who range in ages 21-71. Their goal is to provide quality programs and support to individuals with developmental disabilities in order for them to lead meaningful and productive lives, explore their potential, develop a sense of community and pursue independence and jobs, if able. To attain these goals, CHC also offers numerous work and education programs.
The CHC members began making their own paper after a visit from a local Girl Scout, who taught them the process. They even have shredded paper donations from local businesses. They will showcase their handmade cards, which will be sold for a donation of $2 per card at each of FCAAC office, making it the perfect cards for Mother’s Day, which is right around the corner. All proceeds will benefit CHC.
“It is with great pride that FCAAC has chosen to support CHC, one of the most hard-working local non-profit organizations we know. Their mission is one we truly admire and wish to assist, so they can expand their programs and services to more individuals who are currently on a waiting list,” said Jaime Landman, M.D. President of FCAAC.
Additionally, two CHC members will visit with the staff at each of the 18 offices. Photo cards of the members visiting that office will be available in the waiting area, allowing patients and staff to learn more about each member. Those interested in purchasing a card can do so from April 29th through May 11th at the reception desk of each Center or by visiting either of these two websites, www.florida-allergy.com or www.chcmiami.org. FCAAC will also be selling raffle tickets at each center with a grand prizewinner taking home $500. For more information, please call 1-877-425-5374.