Film Club Guest Speakers Event

November 14th, Wednesday at 6:30pm
The Film Club will be hosting an event that will be featuring guest speakers from the entertainment/advertising industry. The event will include: Independent Film Director William Grefe, his daughter Assistant Director Melanie Grefe and Commercial Producer Ed McNamara.
They will be discussing the business, how they got in, their roles in the industry, their past work, and funny anecdotes on previous projects. There will also be a Q&A session at the end of the event which will give students the opportunity to ask those burning questions.
The event will be held in General Classroom North (GN) 102 on November 14th, Wednesday at 6:30pm in FAU’s Boca Raton Campus. This is a great opportunity for those who are serious about working in various media, films, television, and commercials. The club’s past guest speakers have been very inspiring as well as informative – this event won’t disappoint. If you know of anyone who would be interested in attending please spread the word (admission is FREE).
If you have any questions please contact us at

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