DCOTA in Dania Beach Invites Design Professionals to WINTER MARKET, March 6

Jennifer Pfaff Smith
Jennifer Pfaff Smith

DCOTA Invites Design Professionals to


Colors, Textures and Forms

Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 9 am to 5 pm


The Design Center of the Americas is hosting its annual WINTER MARKET, a convergence of creativity, innovation and inspiration for design industry insiders and enthusiasts. The theme of DCOTA’s all-day event on Wednesday, March 6, is “Colors, Textures and Forms” and it will redefine the boundaries of design excellence.

‘This year’s WINTER MARKET will present a world where every shade, texture, and form tells a story, where possibilities are limitless and creativity knows no bounds,” promises Federico Diaz, DCOTA’s Director of Digital Marketing. “From morning keynotes with industry visionaries to afternoon panel discussions exploring the tactile elegance of design, this event promises to spark new ideas and ignite every imagination.”

“This is the perfect opportunity for designers to discover the latest trends, forge new connections, and celebrate the artistry of design with like-minded professionals,” he adds. “Locally and internationally sourced, DCOTA—like all four Cohen Design Centers—are widely recognized for having the finest in residential and commercial furnishings, exquisite craftsmanship, and home décor. Certainly, Cohen Design Centers continue to inspire and be inspired, enduring the test of time as the preferred luxury design hub in the world.”

Christopher Coleman
Christopher Coleman


Schedule of Events

9:00 am

Morning Breakfast Reception

DEDON Showroom, Suite C-120



10:00 am to 11:00 am / Morning Keynote

Celebrating the Trinity of Design

Atrium C

This session promises an enriching exploration of creativity, functionality, and beauty in design, moderated by Jennifer Pfaff Smith, Homes Editor for Miami, Palm Beach, NaplesLuxe Interiors + Design. Designers Christopher Coleman, Anil Kakar, Helen Bergin, andJohn Robshaw will share their unique perspectives and inspire new possibilities in the realm of design innovation.

Helen Bergin
Helen Bergin

11:00 am to 11:30 / Keynote Reception

John Rosselli and Associates Showroom, Suite C-100

11:30 am / Showroom Panel

Beyond Beige:

Unleashing Bold Designs in Modern Kitchens

MADEVAL Showroom, Suite C-150

Renowned designers Federico Teran and Phyllis Taylor will discuss breaking free from convention and infusing kitchens with bold, captivating aesthetics. They will provide tips on how to revolutionize kitchen spaces with cutting-edge insights and inspiration. Moderated by MADEVAL’s Marketing & Commercial Director Tita Donoso.


12:30 pm / Showroom Panel & CEU

Color Mix 2024 Anthology, Volume One

AMMON HICKSON Showroom, Suite B-240

Introducing a new biennial approach to the Colormix® Forecast. This is a color trend report that explores directional shifts in the landscape through a collection of 48 hues organized by color family. This essential color reference will alternate each year with style and trend storytelling. Discover the meaning behind these chosen colors, their role in awakening modern aesthetics, and what the future holds for blues and greens, reds and purples, dark tones, and delicate tints.

1:30 pm / Showroom Panel

Tactile Elegance:

Exploring Innovative Textures in Interior Design

ROMO Showroom, Suite C-162

Moderated by ROMO Sales Manager Sky Lakhani, this will be a dynamic conversation with designers Steve La Fonte and Samantha Gallacher about how innovative textures elevate interior design, offering new dimensions of sophistication and style. Explore the interplay of materials and design techniques that create unforgettable tactile experiences in living spaces.

2:30 pm to 3:30 pm / Afternoon Keynote

Vibrant Vistas:

Harnessing the Colors & Textures of Brazilian Design

Atrium C

Dive into the rich tapestry of Brazilian design with this panel discussion moderated by Daphne Nikolopoulos, Editorial Director of Florida Design Magazine. Designers Luciana Fragali, Andre Wanderley, Carla Guilhem, and Paula Ambrosio will explore the vibrant hues and lush textures that define Brazilian design, uncovering inspirations and innovations that captivate the senses and elevate interior landscapes.

3:30 pm to 4 pm / Keynote Reception

CRESTRON Showroom, Suite B-108

4:00 pm / Showroom Panel

Innovations in Outdoor Furniture Aesthetics

DAVID SUTHERLAND Showroom, Suite C-130

Mila Molko, Private Label Consultant with Harrods & Bennett, will moderate an engaging discussion with designers Allison Paladino, Fanny Haim, and Sandra Diaz-Velasco about cutting-edge trends and design concepts, offering insights into elevating outdoor spaces with style and sophistication.

How to register for DCOTA’s WINTER MARKET 2024:

Advance registration is required by visiting:


Photos provided by DCOTA

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