Blissful Detox with Vanessa Scotto Doctor of Chinese Medicine & Low-Tox Life Coach

Sunday, November 11th, 10 am – 3pm
you want more health, ease and pleasure;
you’re over feeling run-down, stressed or “had it up to here”;
life’s good but you’re not FEELING the love;
you want to find Grace and Gratitude in tough situations.
get ready for a scrumptious, stress-relieving day that informs and inspires!
The mission is for more energy, clarity, and lightness for your body & mind through proven techniques, simple meditations & Eastern philosophy 101.
You were born with a purpose. Mental and physical toxins mask you brilliance; blocking energy and enthusiasm. Cleanse them and you will SHINE!

Reserve by November1st and be entered to win a tasty treat!

$85 includes lunch and optional farm tour
Make reservations at:


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