Another Night Before Christmas at ACTORS' PLAYHOUSE

See it Up Close and Personal at the Miracle Theatre!

Another Night Before Christmas
December 2 – 27, 2009

Actors Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre
280 Miracle Mile
Coral Gables, FL 33134

ANOTHER NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS is a charming new holiday musical written by Sean Grennan and Leah Okimoto, the creators of Married ALIVE! This musical comedy, insightful while also delightfully entertaining, gives us cause to examine our own conscience when it comes to allowing ourselves the indulgence in merriment that the holiday season brings. Karol Elloit, a dispirited social worker, is destined to celebrate another lonely Christmas in her city apartment. On her way home on Christmas Eve, she encounters a homeless man with whom she shares some groceries. Later that night, an intruder, the homeless man she’d met earlier, breaks in claiming to be “someone special in her life”. A “take” on the poem from which it derives its name, this contemporary and timeless look at the dilemmas and joys of the holidays will warm your heart and restore your faith in holiday magic.

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