January 6 – 27, 2012
The University of Miami Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Judaic Studieswill present the photographic exhibition “Window to My World – Winds of Change in Galilee.” The exhibition will be on view from January 6 – 27, 2012 at the UM College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Gallery, located at the Wesley Foundation at 1210 Stanford Drive, Coral Gables. A closing reception will be held January 25 at 5 p.m.
“Window to My World” is a photograph competition that is held annually by ORT Braude College of Engineering in Israel. It is open to all people residing in Israel. The theme of this year’s competition was “The winds of change in the Galilee.”
Participating in the competition this year were 63 Arab and Jewish photographers from a broad spectrum of ages and from all parts of Israel. They used the medium of photography as a tool for transmitting their own personal stories, their weltanschauung, and their individual points of view regarding the changes that are taking place in the north of Israel, the Galilee, and the influence of these changes on the landscape and the residents of this region. In recent years Israel’s Galilee region has undergone many changes that find expression in all spheres: social, cultural, technological, and ecological, as well as in various projects and initiatives.
ORT Braude College which stands in the heart of the Galilee in Karmiel attributes great importance to the development of the Galilee by its encouragement and support for the changes occurring in the region in various spheres and has therefore chosen to give its patronage to this project. The competition and exhibition were the result of the initiative and direction of Effy Omiel-Pedida in collaboration with Shlomi Schvartsberg, Curator and Director of the Lady Roslyn Lyons Gallery at the ORT Braude College.
The three previous “Windows of My World” exhibitions were held in the Lady Roslyn Lyons Gallery in the ORT Braude Academic College of Engineering in Karmiel, and parts of these exhibitions were shown in Pittsburgh in 2007. Before coming to UM, the exhibition will be shown at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
For more information, call the Miller Center at (305) 284-6882, or visit http://www6.miami.edu/miller-