December 1 | 5:00pm-7:00pm | Atrium
1 Hotel South Beach
2341 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL
Join us and come experience the THE PAUZE you need in order to kick off Basel week with clarity, and the energy you need in order to PLAY all week. You’ll experience movement, sound, drumming, essential oils, and more to cultivate a culture that transforms — as well as an immersive visual art experience by local artist Natasha Tomchin. This event is complimentary for 1 Hotel Beach Club members, hotel guests, and RAW Residency Members.
- Host: Tatiana Meira, Director of Events at 1 Hotel South Beach @tmm1015
- Drums by @yonimarcos
- Set Design by @plantthefuture
- Visuals by @natashatm