Surf The Webster New Pop Up Surf Shop at the Webster Miami

The Miami Surfrider chapter teamed up with The Webster Miami to create a pop-up (temporary) surf shop at their building on the 1200 block of Collins Ave. The Surfrider sponsored surf shop will feature historic images of Miami Beach surf culture, locally donated era surfboards, and historic video footage of south beach surf from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

The pop-up surf shop was launched on Thursday, July 15th, during the Mercedes Benz fashion and will continue through to the end of August, with 10% of all sales made during that period donated to Miami Surfrider Chapter. All Surfrider members, non-members, and locals are invited to tour the surf shop and view the collection.

The project will be the first step in a greater effort to begin collecting, inventorying, and archiving a historic record of south beach surf culture for future preservation. This effort will eventually become the Miami Surf Archive Project and will be the legacy of all those who have influenced surf culture locally and beyond.

Click on images for full view.

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