THURSDAY, February 2, Gables
 Kaihan Krippendorff, a Fast Company blogger and former McKinsey consultant, profiles the next generation business strategists: the “Outthinkers”. “Outthinkers” are entrepreneurs and corporate leaders with a new playbook. They see opportunities others ignore, challenge dogma others accept as truth, rally resources others cannot influence, and unleash new strategies that disrupt their markets. Outthink the Competition (John Wiley & Sons, $24.95) presents stories of breakthrough companies like Apple, Google, Vistaprint, and Rosetta Stone whose stunning performances defy traditional explanation and will inspire readers to outthink the competition.6:30pm
Friday, February 3, Gables
 The Urban Towers Handbook (John Wiley & Sons, $52.50) by Eric Firley provides graphic representations and analysis of 30 urban case studies from around the world. These range from the London town house to apartments in Chicago and New York, taking in other European, South American, North African, and Asian examples. In each chapter, a housing type is fully explored through a traditional case study and then a more modern example that demonstrates how it has been reinterpreted in a contemporary context. Presented in collaboration with the University of Miami School of Architecture. 8pm
 Coral Gables Gallery Night: Jeannette Stargala – The Garden: “You will see – What I found and brought home, what fell before my feet, what I needed to recognize, what I wanted to make my own, what I played with, what I couldn’t name but saw, what was inviting me to participate in its beauty. The camera in my hand for the need to translate, to relate, to collect, to hold on to, to lure me out with reason, to engage. What shows is close to my heart, defines my space.” Jeannette was born in East Germany where she grew up in Dresden. She studied Architecture at the University of Aachen and received the state award for young artists for her final work. She worked as a project architect and licensed architect in Germany before she moved to the United States with her husband and her two daughters. Once here she started focusing more on her photographic work and participated in various fine art programs including the continuing studies program at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University. Jeannette is now living in Miami with her three daughters and her husband. 7-10pm
Live Music in the Courtyard: Federico Britos 7pm-11pm
Saturday, February 4, Gables
 Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, two misfit teens in Depression-era Cleveland, were more like Clark Kent than his secret identity, Superman. In 1934, they created a superhero who was everything they were not. It was four more years before they convinced a publisher to take a chance on their Man of Steel in a new format—the comic book. Marc Tyler Nobleman’s Boys of Steel (Knopf, $16.99) captures the excitement of Jerry and Joe’s triumph, and the energetic illustrations by Ross MacDonald, the author-artist of Another Perfect Day, are a perfect complement to the time, the place, and the two young visionaries. 7pm
Live Music in the Courtyard: Juanita-Marie Franklin 8pm-Midnight

Saturday, February 4, Miami Beach
 In her memoir, Mad Lyfe of an NBA Wife (Free Flow Writing & Publishing, $14.95) , Sherri Patterson traces the journey of her life as a teenage girl doing her best to pursue a life beyond Overtown. Little did she know that meeting Doug that summer day would begin the ultimate remix of life. From high school sweethearts to teenage parents and eventually husband and wife. From a townhouse in Miami’s notorious Overtown ghetto to the acquisition of several million dollars in real estate. From the Miami High gymnasium to the acclaimed NBA. It appeared that Sherri had escaped the hood and was living the glamorous life with the finest things money could buy at her disposal. But Mad Lyfe will prove that bling and cha-ching ain’t everything. With God’s grace, presence and guidance, Sherri left the so-called “glamorous life” behind and transformed into a woman of passion and purpose. 5pm
Monday, February 6, Gables
 Fair Food (PublicAffairs, $24.99) is an enlightening and inspiring guide to changing not only what we eat, but how food is grown, packaged, delivered, marketed, and sold. Oran B. Hesterman shows how our system’s dysfunctions are unintended consequences of our emphasis on efficiency, centralization, higher yields, profit, and convenience–and defines the new principles, as well as the concrete steps, necessary to restructuring it. Along the way, he introduces people and organizations across the country that are already doing this work in a number of creative ways, from bringing fresh food to inner cities to fighting for farm workers’ rights to putting cows back on the pastures where they belong. This event is presented in collaboration with Slow Food Miami. 8pm
Tuesday, February 7, Gables
 Los ciclos del alma de Sharon Koenig es una poderosa guía que describe de manera simple, los pasos definitivos para restablecer nuestra conexión con la Divinidad y lograr así, vivir nuestro verdadero propósito. La integración con la esencia divina es el anhelado regreso al hogar, el lugar donde todas las preguntas obtienen respuesta y la vida fluye en armonía; el reino de la paz interior, la prosperidad y el propósito. Este libro ayuda a despejar el camino para conocerse a sí mismo y no dejarse engañar por las falsas apariencias y por las fuerzas del ego. 6:30pm
 John Barth reads and discusses his essay The End?, muse-inviting rituals and writing ‘nothing’ with writer and art critic Chauncey Mabe. Granta 118: Exit Strategies (Grove, $16.99) is the latest issue of Granta, the magazine of the best new writing from around the world. This issue explores personal and political exit strategies with new work from Aleksandar Hemon, Claire Messud, John Barth, Susan Minot and more. 8pm
Wednesday, February 8, Gables
 Brilliantly combining economics and psychological thought, How Much is Enough? (Greenleaf Book Group, $21.95) by Arun Abey promises to revolutionize the investment world. Complete with succinct economic advice and stories from those who have found peace beyond their bank accounts, this book gives readers the confidence to pursue their own paths toward a secure and fulfilling future. Find happiness and wealth will follow. 6:30pm

Wednesday, February 8, Bal Harbour Shops
 Books & Books celebrates Bal Harbour Art Night with Christine Najac and The Art of Fine Dining in South Florida. Najac provides the ultimate guide to the food scene in both Miami and Fort Lauderdale by giving us the inside scoop on the best places to find, enjoy, and celebrate local culinary offerings. The Food Lovers’ Guide to Miami & Fort Lauderdale (Globe Pequot, $14.95) is written for residents and visitors alike to find producers and purveyors of tasty local specialties, as well as a rich array of other, indispensable food-related information including: food festivals and culinary events; specialty food shops; farmers’ markets and farm stands; trendy restaurants and time-tested iconic landmarks; and recipes using local ingredients and traditions 7pm
Thursday, February 9, Gables
 The Andreas family is one of readers. Their father, a renowned Shakespeare professor who speaks almost entirely in verse, has named his three daughters after famous Shakespearean women. When the sisters return to their childhood home, ostensibly to care for their ailing mother, but really to lick their wounds and bury their secrets, they are horrified to find the others there. See, they love each other. They just don’t happen to like each other very much. But the sisters soon discover that everything they’ve been running from — one another, their small hometown, and themselves — might offer more than they ever expected. Find out what happens in The Weird Sisters (Berkley Trade, $15) by Eleanor Brown. 7pm
  Gloriously unrepentant Florida serial killer Serge Storms is back—and he’s finagled his way into becoming a secret agent in Miami—in another outrageous crime comedy from New York Times bestselling author, Tim Dorsey. In Pineapple Grenade, (William Morrow, $25.99) , the incomparable Serge takes up spying for the president of a banana republic, and now Homeland Security wants to bring him down. It’s always a wild ride when Dorsey’s at the wheel, and with Pineapple Grenade he delivers his most explosively hilarious road trip to date. 8pm
Friday, February 10, Gables
 Tigertail brings back Lenelle Moise, a powerhouse poet, theater artist and dynamic speaker. Lenelle Moïse offers interactive performances and workshops that address race, class, feminism, LGBTQ identities, new theater aesthetics, immigration and Haitian-American culture. She creates intimate, fiery, politicized texts about the intersection of race, class, gender, sexuality, culture and compassion. 8pm
Live Music in the Courtyard: Emmet Cohen Trio 7pm-11pm
Saturday, February 11, Gables
  Texas girl Babe Didrikson never tried a sport too tough and never met a hurdle too high. Despite attempts to keep women from competing, Babe achieved All-American status in basketball and won gold medals in track and field at the 1932 Olympics. Then Babe attempted to conquer golf. One of the founders of the LPGA, Babe won more consecutive tournaments than any golfer in history. At the height of her fame, she was diagnosed with cancer. Babe would then take her most daring step of all: go public and try to win again with the hope of inspiring the world. A rollicking sag, Wonder Girl (Little, Brown, and Company, $27.99) by Don Van Natta is as fresh, heartfelt, and graceful as Babe herself. 7pm
Live Music in the Courtyard: Nelson Polanco 8pm-Midnight
Sunday, February 12, Gables
 PJ Library Story Time: Candles, Kiddush, challah and more. It’s time to celebrate stories that celebrate Shabbat. Join us for stories, crafts and fun today! The national PJ Library program supports families in their Jewish journey by sending Jewish-content books and music on a monthly basis to children. Presented in collaboration with the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and the Gordon Schools of Beth David Congregation. 10:30am
 Art Workshops in the Courtyard: Petite Painting — While the canvas may be small, the results will be big. In this workshop students will create a small-scale finished painting. Instructor Anthony Ardavin was born in Santiago de Cuba. After earning a Bachelor degree in Psychology with a minor in Art from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton he moved to Atlanta to work at IBM Headquarters as an Art Consultant. In 1988 he opened the Anthony Ardavin Gallery in Atlanta and sold it in 2006 to move to Miami and paint full time. Call the Gables store — 305-442-4408 — to register today. Cost: $60. Click here for more info. 11am-1pm
Share the timeless tale and moving music of Sleeping Beauty at Piano Story Time presented by the Miami Piano Academy. Little ones, as young as 2 years old, will float away with this story and musical accompaniment. Miami Piano Academy is an educational institution offering individual piano classes to adults and children, starting as young as 4 years old. 2pm

Sunday, February 12 Bal Harbour Shops
  PJ Library Story Time: Candles, Kiddush, challah and more. It’s time to celebrate stories that celebrate Shabbat. Join us for stories, crafts and fun today! The national PJ Library program supports families in their Jewish journey by sending Jewish-content books and music on a monthly basis to children. Presented in collaboration with the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and the Lehrman Community Day School. 12pm
Monday, February 13, Gables
  Readers’ Circle Lunch with Patricia Schultz. She reinvented the idea of the travel book — both wish list and practical guide — with 1,000 Places to See Before You Die (Workman, $19.95) . Now’s your chance to enjoy a special luncheon with Patricia Schultz for the second edition of this groundbreaking book. Join AAA Travel for one of Books & Books’ memorable author luncheons. For $20, you’ll get a delicious, table-service lunch – cupcake included! – from The Café @ Books & Books by Chef Allen and a special presentation by Patricia Schultz highlighting Austria, Slovenia and Croatia. Click here to RSVP for the luncheon. Luncheon guests will receive a $50 per person Travel Credit toward booking the AAA Departure that Patricia Schultz is escorting September 13-21. 12pm
  The world is calling. Time to answer. Patricia Schultz brings us the updated edition of her No. 1 New York Times bestseller, 1,000 Places to See Before You Die (Workman, $19.95) . The book that changed the concept of a travel book as both wish list and practical guide is now event better. There are 600 full-color photographs. Over 200 entirely new entries, including visits to 28 countries like Lebanon, Croatia, Estonia, and Nicaragua. Every entry from the original edition has been readdressed, rewritten, and made fuller, with more suggestions for places to stay, restaurants to visit, festivals to check out. And throughout, the book is more budget-conscious, starred restaurants and historic hotels such as the Ritz, but also moderately priced gems that don’t compromise on atmosphere or charm. 8pm
Tuesday, February 14, Gables
  When Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, he also won a long-running debate with his wife Michelle. Contrary to her fears, politics now seemed like a worthwhile, even noble pursuit. In The Obamas (Little, Brown, $29.99) , Jodi Kantor takes us deep inside the White House as they try to grapple with their new roles, change the country, raise children, maintain friendships, and figure out what it means to be the first black President and First Lady. Filled with riveting detail and insight into their partnership, emotions and personalities, and written with a keen eye for the ironies of public life, The Obamas is an intimate portrait that will surprise even readers who thought they knew the President and First Lady. 8pm
Wednesday, February 15, Gables
 From a distance, Michael and Joleen Zarkades seem to have it all: a solid marriage, two exciting careers, and children they adore. But after twelve years together, the couple has lost their way; they are unhappy and edging toward divorce. An unexpected deployment will tear their already fragile family apart, sending one of them deep into harm’s way and leaving the other at home, waiting for news. When the worst happens, each must face their darkest fear and fight for the future of their family. An intimate look at the inner landscape of a disintegrating marriage and a dramatic exploration of the price of war on a single American family, Kristin Hannah’s Home Front (MacMillan, $27.99) is a provocative and timely portrait of hope, honor, loss, forgiveness, and the elusive nature of love. 8pm
Thursday, February 16, Gables
  Maya is an accomplished psychiatry resident with a terrific boyfriend, loving family, and bustling New York social life. When her grandmother dies in India, a family squabble over property results in a curse that drifts across continents and threatens Maya’s life. Or so her father says — Maya doesn’t believe in curses, Brahman, or otherwise. But when her father suffers a heart attack, her sister miscarries, and her career and relationship both start to falter, Maya starts to worry. A trip back to India with her best friend Heidi, Maya reasons, will be just what’s needed to remove the curse, save her family, and to put her own life back in order. Thus begins a journey into Maya’s parallel world– an India filled with loving and annoying relatives, vivid colors, and superstitious customs–a cross-cultural, transcontinental search to for a chance to find real love. Other Waters (St. Martin’s, $25.99) is Eleni N. Gage’s enthralling fiction debut. 8pm
Friday, February 17, Gables
 Abandoned Hat Factories: Setting & Atmosphere in Fiction with Peter Selgin is a reading/discussion with the award-winning author on his newest work, and specifically on the roles of atmosphere and setting in fiction. The University of Miami sponsored Writers’ Salon will feature Selgin reading from various works, including his yet-to-be-published Pirate’s Alley / Faulkner Society Prize-Winning new novel, The Water Master, set in a dying hat factory town in 1963, as well as from 179 Ways to Save a Novel, his book on the craft of fiction writing. The reading will be followed by a Q & A with the author moderated by University of Miami MFA in Creative Writing student Benjamin “Benjy”; Caplan. 8pm
Live Music in the Courtyard: Natalie York 7pm-11pm

Friday, February 17, Fairchild Tropical Gardens
  Join Rina Jakubowicz, author of Choose Peace: A Practical Guide into Consciousness (Just be Publications, $18.95) , in a conversation exploring the subtle layers of how our behaviors and thoughts contribute to our daily struggles with your spouse, your significant other, or even with yourself. Rina’s own challenges with her relationships led her to draw upon the principles of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the original teachings of yoga, as a her source of strength and fulfillment. This self-transformation inspired her to create a modern-day guide for others to discover the potential we all possess to live a life of authentic happiness… Do you Choose Peace? P.S. Bring your spouse or significant other.. You might learn a few helpful ways of communicating better. 7pm
Saturday, February 18, Gables
 Green Card Stories (Umbrage Editions, $40) features the dramatic narratives of fifty recent immigrants—each with permanent residence or citizenship—by nationally-recognized journalist Saundra Amrhein, with compelling portraits by photographer Ariana Lindquist, created and produced in collaboration with renowned immigration lawyers and scholars Laura Danielson and Stephen Yale-Loehr. Presented in collaboration with The American Immigration Council. 5pm
 Join us as we celebrate the release of Matt Kramer’s second poetry book, A Book of Poems from the Smallest of Towns. Kramer, a Miami native, first came on the music scene as the lead singer of the platinum-selling rock band, Saigon Kick in the early ‘90s on Atlantic Records. Known for his hard-hitting lyrics, this collection of poems is an intriguing departure, focused on the simplicity and charm of rural living and American traditions. Kramer will kick off the evening with a 40-minute musical set in Books and Books’ Courtyard. Directly after the show, the event will move inside the store where the author will read selected poems and answer audience questions followed by a book signing of both of his poetry releases. The show starts at 6PM, but we suggest you come early to get a good seat. This is Kramer’s first public performance in four years, and we expect a full house. There is no cover.
Live Music in the Courtyard 8pm-Midnight
Monday, February 20, Gables
  It is 1968. Lynnie, a young white woman with a developmental disability, and Homan, an African American deaf man, are locked away in an institution and have been left to languish, forgotten. Deeply in love, they escape, and find refuge in the farmhouse of Martha, a retired schoolteacher and widow. But the couple is not alone-Lynnie has just given birth to a baby girl. When the authorities catch up to them that same night, Homan escapes into the darkness, and Lynnie is caught. But before she is forced back into the institution, she whispers two words to Martha: “Hide her.” And so begins the 40-year epic journey of Lynnie, Homan, Martha, and baby Julia-lives divided by seemingly insurmountable obstacles, yet drawn together by a secret pact and extraordinary love. Discover what happens in The Story of Beautiful Girl (Grand central, $12) by Rachel Simon. 8pm
Tuesday, February 21, Gables
 Woman Meets Jesus (Edenridge, $14) retells biblical stories of Jesus’ encounters with women such as the woman with a bottle of perfume, the woman who hemorrhaged for twelve years, and the woman at the well. Author Ruth Vander Zee describes how these life-changing encounters deepened her personal walk with Jesus—and how women today can experience spiritual renewal as they personally meet the Jesus who demonstrated astonishing compassion for women who were lonely, beaten down, discouraged, marginalized, and perfectionistic. Includes revealing sidebar notes and illustrations along with group or personal discussion questions. 8pm
Wednesday, February 22, Gables
 Chief minister to King Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu was the architect of a new France in the seventeenth century, and the force behind the nation’s rise as a European power. Among the first statesmen to clearly understand the necessity of a balance of powers, he was one of the early realist politicians, practicing in the wake of Niccolò Machiavelli. Jean-Vincent Blanchard’s rich and insightful new biography brings Richelieu fully to life in all his complexity. Richelieu’s careful understanding of politics as spectacle speaks to contemporary readers; much of what he accomplished was promoted strategically through his great passion for theater and literature, and through the romance of power. Éminence (Walker & Company, $30) offers a rich portrait of a fascinating man and his era, and gives us a keener understanding of the dark arts of politics. 8pm
Thursday, February 23, Temple Beth Am
 Socol Speakers Series: A former federal prosecutor and congressional investigator, Ken Ballen spent five years as a pollster and a researcher with rare access—via local government officials, journalists, and clerics—interviewing more than a hundred Islamic radicals, asking them searching questions about their inner lives, deepest faith, and what it was that ultimately drove them to jihad. Intimate and enlightening, Terrorists in Love (Free Press, $25) opens a fresh window into the realm of violent extremism as Ballen profiles six of these men—from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia—revealing a universe of militancy so strange that it seems suffused with magical realism. 7:30pm
Friday, February 24, Gables
After many years of seeing his extraordinary Cuban slide shows, Mr. William Gonzalez is now bringing a truly unique treasure trove of his latest acquisitions. Images of a long gone 1940’s telephone, a rare seen “dos centavos” coin. Did you ever see the “tranvias” cemetery? Did you ever cross in Miramar the all steel “Puente de Pote”? Or for that matter saw a real Cuban “bodega”? Bet you bought “Guarina” ice-cream from a horse drawn vendor, didn’t you? How about a picture of the world famous Cuban sailboat yacht “El Criollo” during the St. Petersburg to Havana race? These and many more of his gems will make this list too extensive. Do not miss this Very Cuban Presentation…shown in his own peculiar way via one of the last Kodak slide projectors, for a real “nostalgia” night with “boleros” music and all. 8pm
Live Music in the Courtyard: Ben Pernick Trio 7pm-11pm
Saturday, February 25, Gables
 Bewitching can be a beast… Once, I put a curse on a beastly and arrogant high school boy. That one turned out all right. Others didn’t. I go to a new school now—one where no one knows that I should have graduated long ago. II just don’t age. You see, I’m immortal. And I pretty much know everything after hundreds of years—except for when to take my powers and butt out. I want to help, but things just go awry in ways I could never predict. Now a girl named Emma needs me. I probably shouldn’t get involved, but her gorgeous stepsister is conniving to the core. I think I have just the thing to fix that girl—and it isn’t an enchanted pumpkin. Although you never know what will happen when I start … bewitching. Find out what happens in the newest book in The Kendra Chronicles — Bewitching (Harper, $17.99) by Alex Flinn. 7pm
Live Music in the Courtyard: Emmet Cohen Trio 8pm-Midnight
Sunday, February 26, Gables
 New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison returns to the Hollows in A Perfect Blood (Harper, $26.99) the electrifying follow-up to her acclaimed Pale Demon. Ritually murdered corpses are appearing across Cincinnati, terrifying amalgams of human and “other.” Pulled in to help investigate by the I.S. and the FIB, former witch turned day-walking demon Rachel Morgan soon realizes a horrifying truth: a human hate group is trying to create its own demons to destroy all Inderlanders, and to do so, it needs her blood. She’s faced vampires, witches, werewolves, demons, and more, but humanity itself might be her toughest challenge yet. 6pm
Monday, February 27, Gables
Under the Yarmulke: Tales of Faith, Fun and Football (Chai Books, $15) is an inspiring and touching collection of stories, lessons and jokes by world-renown rabbi and global leader of interfaith relations, Rabbi Solomon Schiff. In this long-awaited memoir, Sol Schiff recaptures his remarkable journey from local cantor in a Bronx Synagogue to internationally recognized rabbi, whose devotion to community service and interfaith relations has made him a beacon of inspiration for millions of all faiths. He has shared thoughts with five American presidents, three Israeli Prime Ministers, two Popes and the Dalai Lama, along the way collecting a treasure chest of memories. 8pm
Tuesday, February 28, Gables
Note: This event is in Spanish. Alentando el encuentro desde múltiples perspectivas, para explorar cómo los cambios del último milenio, dan forma al hombre y la realidad contemporánea, Letra Urbana junto al Centro Cultural Argentino presenta: ¿Y para qué el arte? con la Dra. Cristina Bulacio. La condición humana conlleva tres factores que marcan su perfil: la caducidad de la existencia, sólo un margen de libertad y, también una poderosa imaginación; a ellos se debe la imperiosa necesidad de trascender más allá de sus propios límites. En ese movimiento de salir de sí mismo los hombres han buscado sostén, tradicionalmente, en los sentidos que albergan el arte y la religión, más que el saber que da la ciencia. Sin arte y sin religión una sociedad languidece y muere. Nos preguntamos por qué. No hablamos de los mercados actuales de arte ni de obras de arte como mercancías; hablamos de la obra de arte como autorreferente y del verdadero hacedor, el artista anónimo y creativo, que se juega el sentido de la vida en cada obra. En tiempos de violencia y exclusión, de tecnología y utilitarismo, donde la eficiencia es un valor supremo, nos preguntamos ¿por qué el hombre sigue haciendo arte? 6:30pm
Beyond Boundaries Children’s Foundation is delighted to invite you to the launching of its cookbook Exclusive Recipes from Claudette’s Kitchenby Claudette Hawit. Claudette is a renown Honduran chef who is known for donating all her book proceeds to help benefit children. Please stop by to delight yourselves with these amazing recipes and at the same time you will be helping the children of Honduras have a better tomorrow. 6:30pm
Wednesday, February 29, Gables
  Adored and nurtured by his adoptive parents in California, Asher Stone has moved effortlessly through a nearly perfect life. He is on the verge of a professional soccer career-when a car accident throws his future into doubt. Suddenly, Asher begins to wonder about his past, and about the girl who gave him up for adoption in Colombia two decades ago. And so begins his search for a woman named Rita Ortiz. Asher untangles the mystery of Rita’s identity, her abrupt disappearance from her home, and the winding journey that followed. But as Asher comes closer to finding Rita, his own parents are faced with fears and doubts. And Rita must soon make her own momentous choice: stay hidden in her hard-earned new life, or meet the secret son who will bring painful memories-or the promise of a new beginning . . . Discover what happens in The Second Time We Met (Grand Central, $13.99) by Leila Cobo. 8pm