Eva Longoria Parker recently announced that she will be returning for the second year as Honorary Chair for the Rally for Kids with Cancer Miami Scavenger Cup. Eva shared her story of why she is involved in this incredible event, and talked about how she plans on defending her title as the winner of last year’s Scavenger Cup. Other Celebrity Navigators and event participants were also unveiled. Additional event information was shared including background on Rally, how to register as a driver, and much more.
The Rally for Kids with Cancer Scavenger Cup is ignited by the desire to help the Jackson Memorial Foundation, IFK Wonderfund and Holtz Children’s Hospital in hopes that one day, the end to cancer will be celebrated.
In attendance were:
Eva Longoria Parker/Honorary Chair
Sofia Milos/Actress, CSI Miami/Celebrity Navigator
Joel Hock/President, Solutions with Impact/Organizer
Maria Bravo/Director of Rally for Kids with Cancer Foundation
Janelle Marie Prieto/Director IKF’s Wonderfund
Coverage by Premier Guide Miami’s Nicole Scott/NikkiBliss and Omar Blanco/Videographer