(DE)CONSTRUCTION Procession and Conversation

(DE)CONSTRUCTION: Bridge Deconstruction Site
On-site | Friday, December 1 @ 5:31–8pm

Bridge Deconstruction continues with a 5:31: Sundown Procession (meet at 10th and Ocean Drive) led by artist Loni Johnson, followed by a conversation at The Wolfsonian, moderated by Department of Reflection director misael soto, on Miami’s historical and current infrastructure issues.

Honoring a century of service workers and Black culture, Johnson’s 5:31: Sundown Procession references Miami Beach’s former “sundown town” laws barring African Americans from residing within the city and requiring them to cross the causeways to the mainland before nightfall. Bridge Deconstruction Site—the project’s public installation centered around The Wolfsonian’s historic streetside Bridge Tender House—will also be open for the night, inviting you to check out the wide array of bridge-inspired works of art and design.

Free; held at 1001 Washington Ave.


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