Celebrate Autism Acceptance Month with the Library

Celebrate Autism Acceptance Month with the Library!

In honor of Autism Acceptance Month, the Library invites individuals of all abilities to join us for a variety of special sensory-friendly programs and events. From engaging stories and storytimes for children and families to crafts, music programs and more, explore and discover resources that help foster a deeper understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Did you know we have Sensory Kits available for in-house use by people of all ages at each of our library locations? The kits contain items that can help create a calming and soothing effect, including fidget strings, squeezable toys and more. Noise reducing ear muffs are also available. Simply ask any staff member to borrow one.

Planning to visit us soon? Prepare your loved one for a fun trip to library with our customized social narratives for each of our library locations.

For more information, recommended reads and more, visit www.mdpls.org/AutismAcceptance.

The Miami-Dade Public Library System proud to be recognized as an Autism Friendly Partner by the University of Miami-Nova Southeastern University Center for Autism & Related Disabilities(CARD).

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