Chris Weatherman, a renowned author known by his pen name Angery American, has released the twelfth installment in his gripping Survivalist Series™ titled Exploring Home. This highly-anticipated novel is now available for pre-sale, featuring limited autographed copies, and will be accessible to the public on November 21, 2023. Readers can find Exploring Home on Amazon, Kindle, and Audible with narration by Duke Fontaine.
Chris Weatherman is no stranger to literary success. With twenty-three published works under his belt, including USA Today Best Sellers such as Forsaking Home and Resurrecting Home, he has made an indelible mark on the world of dystopian fiction. The Survivalist Series initially took off with Going Home, and it has since amassed over one million copies in global sales.
Book eleven, Engineering Home, reached number one on the Amazon New Releases Charts in Dystopian Fiction and Dystopian Science Fiction at its debut. It even claimed the second spot on the Amazon Best Seller Chart, second only to George Orwell’s iconic 1984.
In addition to his remarkable literary achievements, Chris Weatherman is a man of many talents. He gained recognition for his survival skills on the History Channel’s Alone series and emphasizes preparedness and proper equipment in both primitive and modern survival practices.
As part of his commitment to the prepper community, Chris travels across the country to attend expos and events dedicated to survivalism. Here, he engages with his loyal readers, signs books, and occasionally delivers inspiring talks. Beyond the fan meetings, his travels also serve as opportunities for him to collaborate with instructors and students from various backgrounds, focusing on preparedness and homestead design, which includes topics ranging from food production to security.
Chris Weatherman brings a unique perspective to his writing and speaking engagements, thanks to his two-decade-long career in the power industry. He has hands-on experience in building power plants and performing line work for power companies. Climbing the ranks, he became the commissioning and start-up supervisor for numerous power projects, amassing invaluable knowledge of power generation and distribution.
Today, Chris Weatherman currently makes his home in Florida on the edge of the Ocala National Forest, with his wife Mel and his daughter, affectionately known as “Little Bit.”
In 2023, Chris started the Angery American Nation Podcast, addressing the issues affecting America today with humor, insight, and unabashed honesty. Covering a wide range of topics including politics, social issues, current events, survival, and self-reliance, he challenges conventional wisdom and encourages listeners to question the status quo. The Angery American Nation Podcast aims to contribute to a more informed and engaged citizenry.
Dedicated readers can anticipate another edge-of-your-seat experience with Exploring Home and new fans can expect to get hooked on the series and want to read all twelve books. For pre-sale copies and exclusive autographed editions, visit Amazon or Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into this exhilarating journey into a post-apocalyptic world.
For more information about Chris Weatherman and his latest release, Exploring Home, please visit