Artefacto’s Design House 2013

 Paulo Bacchi & Lais BacchiPaulo Bacchi & Lais Bacchi

Artefacto owner Paulo Bacchi welcomed hundreds of Brazilian globetrotters to his 20,000-square-foot Coral Gables showroom for the third installment of Artefacto’s popular Design House. The invitation-only opening night provided privileged access to top contemporary designers and looks for the world’s most admired homes.

Paulo Bacchi & Lais BacchiBruno, Paulo Bacchi & Lais Bacchi

The design stars joined Bacchi for the elaborate celebration, including Marisol Pinto, Susy Acosta, Valeria Lopes, Mirtha Arriaran, Stanley Matz, while welcoming for the first time Joao Armentano, Daniela Saliba, Karla Pohlmann, Debora Aguiar, Christina Hamoui and Gisela Martin to the exhibition, which will remain on display for a full year.

 Artefacto event in AventuraKarla Piglmann

Artefacto event in AventuraWilliam Ramos and Bruna Firdencio

Artefacto event in AventuraMarisol Pinto

Martha ArriaranMirtha Arriaran

Artefacto event in AventuraPaulo Bacchi

Artefacto event in AventuraStanley Matz

Artefacto event in AventuraSusy Acosta

Artefacto event in AventuraValeria Lopez

Artefacto event in AventuraGisela Martin

Artefacto event in AventuraChristina Hamoui

Artefacto event in AventuraDaniela Saliba

Artefacto event in AventuraDanielle Cano, Dashil Hernandez and Shannon Scott

Artefacto event in Aventura
Debora Aguiar
Artefacto event in AventuraJoao Armentano



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