ADOPT A TREE PROJECT FREE TREES FREE Service to Elderly & Disabled Homeowners
Final Giveaway: Saturday, September 19, 2009, 9:00 am until Noon
City of Doral
J.C. Bermudez Park
3100 NW 87 Ave.
TREEmendous Miami has been a part of the County’s Adopt A Tree project from the very beginning. Unfortunately, the program is about to come to an end. Collect your FREE TREES at the last giveaway taking place on Saturday, September 19th, 2009. As a homeowner in Miami-Dade, you are entitled to two free trees for your home. Go to the County’s website for complete details, click here.
TREEmendous Miami also provides the FREE service of delivering and planting trees for Elderly and/or Disabled homeowners. Do you qualify? Or know someone who might? Call Miami- Dade’s Information line at 311 to register before it’s too late.