A Fortunate Age with Joanna Smith Rakoff at Books & Books

 Meet author Joanna Smith Rakoff
reading and discussing her breakout novel
A Fortunate Age (Scribner, $15)

Friday, March 19, 6:30pm
Books & Books Coral Gables

As a journalist and critic, Joanna Smith Rakoff has written for The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post Book World, the Boston Globe, Vogue, Time Out New York, O: The Oprah Magazine, and many other newspapers and magazines. She was also an editor for the online magazine Nextbook, and her first job was as an assistant to the agent Phyllis Westberg, at Harold Ober Associates, one of New York’s oldest agencies – and that’s where she answered J.D. Salinger’s mail.

Her poetry has appeared in The Paris Review, Western Humanities Review, Kenyon Review, and other journals. She has degrees from Columbia University, University College, London, and Oberlin College.

265 Aragon Ave.
Coral Gables, FL 33134

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