We Met at Vizcaya Late | Pride edition

We Met at Vizcaya Late | Pride edition
Wednesday, June 5 · 6 – 9pm EDT

Vizcaya Museum and Gardens is proud to host a vibrant celebration of love, friendship, and art during Pride Month! Join us on an evening dedicated to honoring the LGBTQIA+ community’s rich culture and history in the heart of Miami.

In collaboration with We Met in Miami, this event promises an unforgettable night filled with music, art, and meaningful connections, like:

  • Show your True Colors: Wear We Met in Miami’s signature wristbands to show whether you’re looking for love (green), friendship (blue), or celebrating as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community (rainbow)—or all three! (Must be 21+ for activations relating to “looking for love and friendship.”)
  • Creative Workshops: Participate in our Fan Decorating Workshop where you can personalize your own hand fan, a perfect accessory for Pride festivities.
  • Viz-gay-a Spotlight Discussion: Explore the queer history of Vizcaya with a guided discussion that highlights significant contributions and stories from the LGBTQIA+ community.
  • Share Your Story: The Beyond Vizcaya team invites you to share your LGBTQIA+ experiences in a video testimonial, adding your voice to our community’s vibrant history.

TICKETS: $10 adults; $5 children ages 6-12; Free for children 5 and under, SNAP & WIC Beneficiaries.


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