Steamy Tennessee Suddenly Last Summer

suddenlylastsummercopy1January 28, 8:30pm

“Steamy Tennessee” Suddenly Last Summer  

(Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz/1959/114min.)

With Elizabeth Taylor, Katherine Hepburn, and Montgomery Clift

“Suddenly, last summer, Cathy knew she was being used for something evil!”

In the sexually frustrated 1950’s, certain Hollywood films stood out as ahead of their time in explaining sexual frustration, and this second autobiographical Tennessee Williams Southern Gothic adaptation is one of them. Expertly and dramatically acted by Taylor, who once again plays the underappreciated and psychologically abused beauty, and Katherine Hepburn, who meticulously plays the diabolical rival aunt who requests a lobotomy for her to “calm her nerves”, the film goes where few did in it’s time.

WINNER: Golden Globes Best Actress

Laurel Awards Top Female Acting Award

Catherine: “Is that what love is? Using people? And maybe that’s what hate is – not being able to use people.” 

For tickets click HERE

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