Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month & Bogart Film Festival in Key Largo

In effort to raise awareness of Esophageal Cancer, the Esophageal Cancer Action Network (ECAN) has declared the month of April as national awareness month and is quickly getting elected officials nationwide to issue proclamations as such.



Most recently, Alvin Brown, the mayor of Jacksonville proclaimed April as Esophageal Cancer Month.  Adding to Florida’s fight against the fastest-increasing type of cancer diagnoses in the US, is ECAN’s involvement in the upcoming film festival put on by Stephen Bogart, who’s famous father, Humphrey Bogart, died of Esophageal Cancer.

The classic film star’s estate has partnered with ECAN to raise awareness about the link between heartburn and cancer. In the recently filmed Public Service Announcement, Bogart says, “ECAN has begun an impressive effort to put this little-known disease on the radar screen of at-risk people and their doctors. We hope our partnership and this campaign will allow us to reach a wide audience, which has not yet heard the message that heartburn can cause cancer.”


According to ECAN, esophageal cancer is up more than 400% in the past 20 years. When discovered early, or in the precancerous stage known as Barrett’s Esophagus, treatment has been found to be highly effective.


Symptoms of esophageal cancer include getting food stuck in the throat or coming back up, painful swallowing, chest or back pain, weight loss, indigestion, chronic hoarseness and constant reflux. The constant reflux can lead to Barrett’s esophagus and a small percentage (five to six percent) of which may become cancerous.


The Humphrey Bogart Festival will feature screenings of several of Bogart’s legendary performances, as well as iconic filming locations and rides on the “African Queen,” featured in the movie “Key Largo.” Stephen Bogart is to appear at the event and participate in question-and-answer sessions with fans.  The ECAN trailer/PSA produced through the Humphrey Bogart Estate’s partnership with ECAN will be screened prior to each film.

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